/BCO-DMO/LipidLubeCarbCycle/KN207-03_bottle --time_start eq 1801-- Level 1

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# Niskin Bottle Data from cruise KN207-03
# PI: Kay Bidle (Rutgers)
# Version: 28 March 2013
# Note: BCO-DMO added cast,from
#    ime_start, lat_start, lon_start headers.   the CTD file headers.
cast  date_gmt  time_start  lat_start  lon_start  
37    20120627  1801        53.2925    -30.7335   
bottle  time_gmt  press_avg  press_sd  press_min  press_max  depth_avg  depth_sd  depth_min  depth_max  potemp   potemp2  sal       sal2       O2        O2_sat_pcnt  sigma_0  sigma_0_2  sigma_t  sigma_t_2  temp_avg  temp_sd  temp_min  temp_max  temp2_avg  temp2_sd  temp2_min  temp2_max  cond_avg  cond_sd   cond_min  cond_max  cond2_avg  cond2_sd  cond2_min  cond2_max  O2_v_avg  O2_v_sd  O2_v_min  O2_v_max  trans_avg  trans_sd  trans_min  trans_max  beam_c_avg  beam_c_sd  beam_c_min  beam_c_max  fluor_avg  fluor_sd  fluor_min  fluor_max  turbidity_avg  turbidity_sd  turbidity_min  turbidity_max  scan_avg  scan_sd  scan_min  scan_max  ISO_DateTime_UTC  
1       1802.68   7.399      0.897     6.295      8.702      7.333      0.889     6.239      8.625      12.2318  12.2711  34.7150   34.7132    6.38398   105.82491    26.3232  26.3143    26.3231  26.3141    12.2328   0.0108   12.2189   12.2554   12.2720    0.0454    12.2187    12.3414    3.993278  0.000961  3.992053  3.995559  3.996853   0.004257  3.991426   4.003963   2.4608    0.0026   2.4567    2.4652    85.8135    0.0704    85.7035    85.9091    0.6120      0.0033     0.6075      0.6171      4.5558     0.1106    4.2892     4.6409     0.6200228      0.0099725     0.6048864      0.6366325      2384      35       2324      2444      2012-06-27T18:02:41Z  
2       1802.82   7.437      0.275     7.075      8.033      7.371      0.273     7.012      7.962      12.2165  12.2302  34.7148   34.7138    6.39147   105.91524    26.3260  26.3226    26.3258  26.3224    12.2175   0.0141   12.1830   12.2300   12.2312    0.0183    12.1871    12.2474    3.991793  0.001235  3.988797  3.992919  3.993003   0.001650  3.988771   3.994699   2.4642    0.0014   2.4615    2.4664    85.8267    0.1386    85.5235    86.0376    0.6113      0.0065     0.6015      0.6255      4.5869     0.0776    4.4797     4.7654     0.6086201      0.0059071     0.5975604      0.6170965      2558      35       2498      2618      2012-06-27T18:02:49Z  
3       1802.93   7.493      0.403     6.734      7.970      7.427      0.400     6.675      7.899      12.2012  12.1799  34.7094   34.7128    6.39995   106.01825    26.3248  26.3316    26.3246  26.3314    12.2022   0.0511   12.1526   12.3287   12.1808    0.0272    12.1535    12.2292    3.989782  0.004488  3.979309  4.000585  3.988089   0.002524  3.985493   3.992899   2.4647    0.0024   2.4615    2.4701    85.9191    0.0923    85.7806    86.1405    0.6070      0.0043     0.5968      0.6135      4.7580     0.0248    4.7288     4.8094     0.6130803      0.0061928     0.6048864      0.6244225      2740      35       2680      2800      2012-06-27T18:02:56Z